Monday, May 16, 2011

Constructivism and Technology- Advocates for Active Learning

My philosophy of education thus far reflects the Constructivist view of the learning process, which emphasizes the importance of active learning. In other words, it is crucial for students to be able to link new experiences and ideas into an existing schema. Since learning is reflective, constructive, and self-regulated students must be given the chance to facilitate their own learning and chose how to learn and how to demonstrate that they have learned. I do not believe students should be restricted into one form of learning since they are individuals who have preferences in the way they learn, aquire, and make sense of new information. If one accepts that every student is an individual with unique learning needs, then the curriculum and instruction should be re-visited and re-vised to fit the unique needs of each student. 
Differentiation is a big part of my philosophy of education. It is important for teachers to provide different avenues to accuring knowledge, making sense of information, and demonstrating learning. I believe technology in the classroom is a great tool both for teachers and students since it opens the door for opportunities that did not exist in the pre-tech society and the classroom. For example, when students are using technology as a tool or as a form of support to communicate with the others, they become active recipients of information. Students are able to make choices about how to generate, obtain, and analyze information, which helps them think critically and take charge of their learning. Constructivism and Technology both seem to be advocates for active learning. With students making choices and facilitating their own learning, the role of the teacher also changes as one transforms from being a dispenser of information and the center of attention in the classroom to being a facilitator and providing guidelines and support for students.
Technology has opened many door and given chances to the most disadvantaged (physically, emotionally, behaviorally, or mentally challenged) students to find a way to communicate and make sense of the world around them and for the rest of the world to know of them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like that you acknowledge the fact that students have different learning needs. I believe that differentiation is very important. I also believe that technology is a great tool to implement the differentiation in the classroom. There are a big variety of software programs that help teachers with differentiating curriculum. I currently use a great math program called IXL. After a pre-test the teacher is able to assign different problems according to the student’s ability.

  3. I really agree with your philosophy. I am also an advocate for differentiation and academic success. It is important that teachers ensure that All students are learning and that we are preparing our students for this competitve society they are entering. I also agree with you when you stated that this opens the door for not only the students but the teachers as well. I believe that teachers must be up to date on the software that is available. This is the only way to prepare our students to be successful in their future endeavors.

  4. Thanks for emphasizing the role of new technologies in the constructivist model of learning. Oftentimes technology is not used in this way, but I think the constructivist spirit is a big part of the NETS-S.

